Frustration has become an all too normal part of dealing with the medical specialties for me lately. Ever since my heart attack was linked to a dissection of my right coronary artery due to the use of birth control I have been battling between Cardiology and Gynecology. Never did I think, 2016 would be the year of my heart and uterus..(say that five times fast) two organs that I've never given a good deal of thought to until now.
Many women these days take birth control to not just prevent babies but to help with cramps, bleeding and for many other reasons. I myself had to be on birth control due to bleeding issues. Was it my first choice... no! But what else do you do when you're using feminine pads as big as the Titanic, and it's still not enough?? (Too much information I know.. but we've all been there)
In nursing school, I was taught about the effects and adverse events of birth control and personally made the decision to become a long time birth control user. Looking back would I have done things differently? I'm not sure. Hindsight is 20/20 and at the time that's what worked for me. Remember, what is right for one person may not be right for others. Thank God we live in a country where you have personal freedom over your health care decisions. This blog is my personal view and may not be right for everyone.. Have this discussion with your doctor and decide what's right for you.

On 2-11-16 the day of my heart attack my Cardiologist told me in a very stern voice to never take any hormones again. I listened and then again had to deal with the bleeding issues. Leading now to a heated debate between me, and my gynecologist. Gynecologists don't want to believe that birth control caused my dissection. They chalk it up to something else. Although I have told them time and again that I have NO CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS. Here is where the FRUSTRATION comes in. Yesterday, I had to have an outpatient surgery and as I'm telling the Anesthesiologist my history my Gynecologist is looking at me like I have three eyeballs. Ugh!! I again tell my gynecologist after the procedure I don't want to use any hormones to control the bleeding even if it's just progesterone or an IUD. I can see by the look on his face he is like " would this chick stop already." Nope!! Buddy, I am a nurse, women and I've done my research, and I won't take any more chances with my life. I only get one, and I will be the strongest patient advocate... so watch out!
In the end, there will always be two sides to every issue... What came first the chicken or the egg? What caused my heart attack? It depends on who you ask. For me, my faith lies in the hands of my
Cardiologist. He was able to see my heart in the Cath lab while doing my angiogram and placing my two stents. At this point, it doesn't matter.. I just want to make sure that it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
If you take one thing away from my blog today, is to be an ADVOCATE! Don't let frustration make you silent. Ask questions, do your research and if you feel uncomfortable with what you hear .. Don't give up. Stand up!
Get a second opinion if necessary. You are in charge! Just like people, doctors can also have high variability in how they treat you not just medically but also compassionately.. Although I've only mentioned Cardiology and Gynecology today remember this can happen in any medical area. I continue to ask you to be an advocate no matter what type of doctor or health concern you are dealing with.
Love this and needed this today! They all pass me around to one another I need someone to be the middle man and manage me! I'm difficult type 1 for 29 years with heart attack. Overweight and keep gaining since I'm injections over 100 units of insulin a day and barely eating carbs. Ughhg im getting another opinion. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments! Stay strong and always advocate for you.. if you don't like what you hear ask for a second opinion. I was only 40 when I had my heart attack and know what your going through. Make sure to give yourself credit for the positive changes you've already made. Nobodys perfect and sometimes we fall back into our old habits. Just remember how precious life is and that you have a second chance. You are going through a lot right now.. Make sure to take time for yourself!!